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Curriculum Intent

The Kenwood Academy careers curriculum aims to equip all young people with the knowledge, experience and confidence to compete for and secure their future employment, prosperity and happiness. We firmly believe that our young people will add great value to the local and national workforce.


Curriculum Implementation

Careers education is embedded within the curriculum and delivered through:

  • Tutor time
  • Curriculum subjects
  • 1:1 independent careers advice and guidance meetings
  • Visits
  • Information sessions / evenings.


Overview of careers curriculum plan by group: 


Autumn term

Spring term

Summer term

Year 8


Independent Careers Advisor – introduction to 'Start'


NOLA Awards - behaviours for working outdoors  

Work experience:

Whirlow Hall Farm 

Start – Online Platform engaging with employment opportunities of interest 


Careers links to subjects: 

Maths, English, Science 


Work experience: 

Whirlow Hall Farm 

Whose line is it anyway? – engagement with employers and providers 

Giant Tetrahedron Challenge – employability skills and engagement with employer 


Work experience: 

Whirlow Hall Farm 

Year 9

C04 & 5

Independent Careers Advisor – 'Start'

Considering jobs of interest 


NOLA Awards – behaviours for working outdoor 



Work experience:

Whirlow Hall Farm 

Start – Online Platform to support options choices 14-19, including awareness of apprenticeships and UTC opportunities 


Careers links to subjects: Maths, English, Science, Arts & Tech, Humanities 


Work experience: 

Whirlow Hall Farm 

Whose line is it anyway? – engagement with employers and providers 


Giant Tetrahedron Challenge – employability skills and engagement with employer 



Work experience: 

Whirlow Hall Farm 

Year 10


Independent Careers Advisor – Assembly and tutor group opportunities - employability skills  


Work experience: 

Whirlow Hall Farm 

Networking event with providers and employers 


Careers links to subjects: Maths, English, Science, Arts & Tech (music, catering, media, fine art), Humanities, Computing 


Work experience: 

Whirlow Hall Farm 

Independent Careers Advisor – interview and support 

Careers Fair – access to providers, including those offering apprenticeships 

College visits (new spaces) 


Work experience: 

Whirlow Hall Farm 

Year 11

M08 & 9

Assembly: opportunities at 16 

UTCs Post-16 evening 


Independent Careers Advisor (LA and Trust) – interview and support 


Post 16 Parent and carers information evening 


Work experience: 

Whirlow Hall Farm 

Post-16 taster sessions 

Careers links to subject specialisms   

College visits (specific programmes of study) 

Apprenticeships – support with applications 

Independent Careers Advisor (LA and Trust) – interview and support 


Work experience: 

Whirlow Hall Farm 

Post-16 taster sessions 

College visits (specific programmes of study) 


Work experience: 

Whirlow Hall Farm 

Year 12

SF10, 11 & 12

Department for Work and Pensions – Job Ready Programme 

Work Experience 

SHU work experience taster day 

HEPP Supporting disabled students into higher education (Parent/carer/student virtual session) 

Post-18 assembly - apprenticeships

Destinations Support

Work Experience 


Young Enterprise 


SHU catering work experience 





Destinations Support

Small group sessions: future education, training and employment options 


Young Enterprise 


Day at DfE 


Updating CVs, attend UCAS event (encounter with providers), exploring UCAS, writing personal statements. FE & HE visits.

Year 13

SF13 & 14

HE and higher apprenticeship applications 


Independent Careers Advisor – interview and support 


Work Experience 


Destinations Support 

Assembly and small group opportunities - employability skills 

HEPP Funding support at university for disabled students 

(Parent/carer/student virtual session) 

Independent Careers Advisor – interview and support 

Destinations Support 

Independent Careers Advisor – interview and support 


Destinations Support


Updating CVs, attend UCAS event (encounter with providers), exploring UCAS, writing personal statements. FE & HE visits.


Management of provider access requests:


A provider wishing to request access should contact Matt Hallam (Deputy Headteacher) - see contact details below.


Opportunities for provider access

A number of events, integrated into our careers programme, as outlined in the table above, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents/carers.  Please speak to the Deputy Headteacher to identify the most suitable opportunity for you. 



Our safeguarding policy outlines our procedures for checking the identity and suitability of visitors. Education and training providers will be expected to adhere to this policy. 



In 1967 David Sainsbury set up the Gatsby Charitable Foundation and agreed its first grant – £50 to the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. David Sainsbury (now Lord Sainsbury of Turville) has since given Gatsby more than £1 billion to distribute to charitable causes. In 2013, Gatsby commissioned Sir John Holman to set out what career guidance in England would be like if it were good by international standards, resulting in the Good Career Guidance report. The eight Gatsby Benchmarks defined in the report serve as a framework for world-class careers provision and have been adopted as part of the Government's Careers Strategy, statutory guidance for schools and guidance for colleges. In addition, The Careers & Enterprise Company now supports the implementation of the Benchmarks in education with a national network of support, resources and targeted funding. One way in which we monitor the success of our careers curriclum at Kenwood Academy is through an online Compass Evaluation tool which measures the implementation of our careers curriculum against the eight Gatsby Benchmarks. We complete this evaluation each term. Please see below for our latest evaluation.

Contact / information 

Parents and carers will receive information and updates about ways to support children on their journey into the world of work and further education through EHCP reviews and over the course of the year as opportunities become available. 

If you would like any more information about our Careers Programme or for further help and support please contact: 


Kenwood Academy Careers Lead: Matt Hallam (Deputy Headteacher)


Telephone: 0114 2582140


Nexus MAT Careers Advisor: Sarah Richardson
