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Meet the Academy Leadership Team

Richard Hadfield, Executive Headteacher

I have worked at Kenwood since April 2021 and have been Executive Headteacher since April 2024. I have worked in education for over twenty years and I have been a qualified headteacher for eight years.

My main responsibilities include leading the overall quality and continuous improvement of our school, holding all staff to account for achieving the very best standards and outcomes for our students. I also report regularly to Nexus Trustees, to our Academy Council (as our local governing body) and to parents and carers and students through the coordination of EHCP annual reviews and reporting about curriculum progress.

I am most passionate about being an advocate for our wonderful students and building the best possible edcuational provision for them.

Matthew Hallam, Head of School and Senior Leader for Quality of Education









Sarah Robinson, Senior Leader for Safeguarding and Attendance (and Designated Safeguarding Lead)









Jenny Hair, Deputy Headteacher, Senior Mental Health Lead and Senior Leader for Personal Development

Ross Graham, Deputy Headteacher and Senior Leader for Curriculum Design









Sarah Compai, Deputy Headteacher and Senior Leader for Curriculum Implementation

I have worked in education since 2005 in the role of English Teacher and Leader of Teacher Development. For more than ten years I have had the privilege of working with and leading classroom-based staff to ensure learners get the very best experience which effectively equips them for their next stage of early adulthood. My main responsibility at Kenwood Academy is to focus on the implementation of our exciting and ambitious curriculum to ensure our learners can achieve their potential. This involves working with colleagues to ensure the very best teaching and support practices exist in Kenwood learning spaces, and that our staff get the support and development they need to continue to have optimum impact. 


Andrea Cartwright, Deputy Headteacher and SENDCO for West Riding campus

Nina Sneddon, Deputy Headteacher and SENDCO for Nether Edge campus

Mark Connaughton, Deputy Headteacher and SENDCO for Broadfield campus

Grace Benson, SENDCO and Head of Centre for Enterprise Works campus

Becky Wilcox, Director of Preparation for Adulthood and Senior Leader for Careers

Molly Vellacott, Director of English